Update March 2024

It’s been a little while now since I’ve given you guys an update on my progress, and I did say I wanted to make a point of keeping everyone in the loop. So I’m going to fill you in a little bit on what work is currently being done. That being said, this won't be quite as comprehensive as the blog post I did last year.

Stories Across Borders

While I did have to miss a week last week, Stories Across Borders is still continuing as is normal. Currently, our cycle on Superhero stories is releasing. In addition to the generalized episode I did with Marv, which is already out, there are three more episodes on the way for this cycle. Jon and I will be discussing Invincible and my short story, Paragon?, and I am also joined by the guys from Sonoran Desert Media Group’s Brockton Bay Chronicles to discuss Worm.

In the meantime, we’re also currently recording a cycle on action in stories and I am uploading old episodes of the podcast to YouTube every Monday a cycle at a time until things are caught up over there. At the time of writing this, the last cycle to get uploaded there was the one we did on genre blending.

Currently, the plan is to continue recording into June before interruptions from the weather will necessitate a break.


While I would certainly like progress to be faster, my work on the sequel to Domino, Marble is also still underway. It’s set to be a little bit longer than its predecessor, but it still won’t be too long until the drafting process is finished and I’m fully into editing. It’s still my hope that I’ll be able to have the book released by the end of the year.

As a little teaser, while Marble is set during the same events as Domino, it follows an entirely different set of characters and introduces some differing trajectories and themes. Marble follows a protagonist a few years older than Hector who ends up stuck caring for a pair of younger kids during the events of the bombing.

While some of the same challenges that faced Hector and Eli will certainly still be present, she will have to deal with some entirely different obstacles on her journey.

If all goes well, I’ll be able to share some actual teasers in the not too distant future.

Stories, Blogs, Articles and General Upkeep

As you might expect, I’ll continue posting more of the usual as well. As soon as the art is ready, more of the transcripts from the stories I’ve written for Stories Across Borders will be appearing under the read section of the site - as will a couple of other things. Additionally, I’m going to continue posting more articles, reviews and the like as well. You should get at least one or two every month with a podcast episode going up every week. Once season two of SAB wraps up, I’m aiming for weekly blog posts instead. If I can do more I will, but between what I’m already working on and my health issues, it’s better to set realistic goals.


And lastly, Epilogue. Epilogue is a series of short stories about the end of the world. Each season will be based around a specific location, with season one being set on an aeroplane. Each chapter will focus on a different character and their thoughts, feelings and experiences as everything comes to a close.

Epilogue will be released in text format here on radfordwrites as well as in audio format both here and on my YouTube channel.

I don’t have a release date for you just yet, but work has begun on this project and it’s on the way.

As always, I appreciate you bearing with me while I work on more stories, articles and podcast episodes for you to enjoy. I look forward to sharing all of this and more going forward.


Adaptations and Remakes


Creating Characters