Stories Across Borders
Stories Across Borders is Daniel’s fiction-focused podcast where he, along with his various guests, discusses stories told across a wide range of different mediums. The podcast follows a cyclical format where each set of four episodes follows a theme.
The first episode will always be a more general discussion based on the theme. The next two will focus on specific examples of that theme. The final episode in a cycle features a reading of a story - usually one written by Daniel himself for the episode - and follow-up discussion.
Stories Across Borders is also available on Spotify and YouTube.
Season 3: Episode 12 - Blackest Blue
Jon reads Daniel’s short story, Blackest Blue. Then, the two of them discuss how Blackest Blue attempts to portray the more mundane horrors of the ocean without resorting to mysticism or anthropomorphising it.
Season 3: Episode 11 - A Lull in the Sea
Daniel and Jon are joined by streamer and ocean lover, ghoulshark, to talk about A Lull in the Sea from the studio P.A. Works. They discuss how the sea is used as a metaphor throughout the show, representing both the complex emotions and relationships of the characters as well as its multitude of overarching themes.
Season 3: Episode 9 - The Ocean
Daniel and Jon discuss the ocean in fiction and how the integral place it has in human history has influenced the roles it can play in our stories.
Season 3: Episode 8 - The Watcher
Listen to Jon read Daniel’s short story, The Watcher, in which a young man is quite literally haunted by the mistakes of his past. Then, Daniel and Jon discuss the thematics of the story and its particular style of horror.