
Listen to audio versions of Daniel’s stories and poetry and watch animations.


Procession is a short story about a young adult ruminating about mourning, death and the fleeting nature of our lives. Why do we come together to grieve? Who really misses us when we’re gone? What do we want to leave behind? They ponder all this and more as a funeral goes on around them.

25 Sept 2024

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  • Domino Audio Serial: Chapter Two
    • 23/3/25

    Domino Audio Serial: Chapter Two

    Listen to Daniel's novel, Domino in serialised audio format. In Chapter Two, Hector stumbles through the ruins of Kudin. As he tries to lend aid where can and find help for himself, a chance encounter leads him to Eli.

  • The Watcher
    • 3/3/25

    The Watcher

    Listen to The Watcher, a story Daniel wrote for SAB. In The Watcher, a young man is haunted by the ghosts of his past - possibly literally. Every day and every night, he finds himself seeing what appears to be the ghost of someone he watched die. As his sanity slowly slips, he can only wonder why the apparition has appeared for him.

  • Domino Audio Serial: Prologue and Chapter One
    • 20/2/25

    Domino Audio Serial: Prologue and Chapter One

    Listen to Daniel's novel, Domino in serialised audio format. In this entry, you can enjoy a rerecorded version of the prologue as well as the first chapter. In the prologue, Yiannis and Sophia Cirillo grapple with a familial problem even as they prepare to detonate that bomb that triggers the story. In chapter one, we are introduced to Hector, our protagonist. He skips school, finding himself alone and underground when the blast goes off.

  • Playing Games
    • 29/10/21

    Playing Games

    Playing Games is a short story about a friend group on the brink of both achieving their dream of making it as professional gamers and also of collapse, on account of one night's bad decision making

  • A Discussion with the Mind Behind Humphrey B. Bear

    A Discussion with the Mind Behind Humphrey B. Bear

    Daniel has the chance to sit down and chat with Kris Maric, the creative producer behind the modern iteration of Humphrey B. Bear, an icon of children's media in Australia. She talks about her journey to becoming the famous bear's custodian and the behind the scenes workings of Humphrey content.

  • Run
    • 19/10/21


    Run is a short story written by Daniel for Stories Across Borders as an example of what an action scene can look like outside of combat or survival situations.

  • City of Cycles
    • 19/10/21

    City of Cycles

    A short story exploring a man’s growing apathy in the face of a disaster as he prepares to loop back in time in a bid to prolong his city’s survival.

  • A Vampire's Treatise on Vampirism
    • 19/10/21

    A Vampire's Treatise on Vampirism

    Inspired by human pop culture, a vampire questions if it is possible for a vampire to exist ethically and make the world a better place. He begins an experiment targeting only those he believes deserve to become his victim

  • Five Lessons
    • 19/10/21

    Five Lessons

    In this short coming of age story, an adult looks back on the last days of their grandfather and the advice he gave them from his death bed. Five Lessons explores the hard truths we all need to come to terms with and wonders if it's possible to identify the moment we started to grow up.

  • Raising The Stakes

    Raising The Stakes

    Raising the Stakes is a story of grief, escalation and friendship created for Stories Across Borders. Witness the aftermath of a crime gone wrong. A group of thieves find themselves reeling from the shocking loss of their crew's most moral member in the following disproportionate retaliation from the authorities.

  • Digging
    • 17/11/21


    A short story exploring the unhealthy side of positivity in a dystopian setting. In the world of Digging, children are sold into servitude so parents can survive, slaving away in demanding mines.

  • Procession
    • 17/11/21


    Procession is a short story about a young adult ruminating about mourning, death and the fleeting nature of our lives. Why do we come together to grieve? Who really misses us when we’re gone? What do we want to leave behind? They ponder all this and more as a funeral goes on around them.

  • Paragon?
    • 17/11/21


    Paragon? asks what would happen if superheroes were introduced into our reality. What happens when people with power start taking the law into their own hands?

  • Heavy Void
    • 17/11/21

    Heavy Void

    Heavy Void is a short horror story dealing with the fear of the unknown, sensory deprivation and a looming threat.

  • Of Ruination
    • 19/10/21

    Of Ruination

    Of Ruination is a poem that uses a trek through desert ruins as a metaphor for a decaying human mind.

  • The Orchard
    • 17/11/21

    The Orchard

    The Orchard is the short tale of an ageing orchardist in a world where magic grows on trees. It's a story about pride and dignity that serves as a sample for a magic system I've been working on and some hints at the world that houses it.

  • Our Importance
    • 17/11/21

    Our Importance

    Our Importance is an eco-thriller short story set after a man-made apocalypse. It deals with the impact humanity has had on the Earth, but also at our insignificance in the long term.

  • Domino Prologue
    • 25/9/24

    Domino Prologue

    Domino is the tale of two kids, Hector and Eli, attempting to survive in the immediate aftermath of a nuclear bomb exploding in their city. This is the prologue of the book, showing how it all gets started.